The Resistance: Avalon

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As we continue to immerse ourselves in the digital world, we may find ourselves missing out on opportunities to connect with friends and family in person. Thankfully, there are timeless ways to connect, such as playing board games and card games. Personally, one game that stands out in my collection is The Resistance: Avalon by Indie Board and Cards. Avalon is a reskinned version of The Resistance, but over the years it has become even more popular than the original. It's a fantastic social deception game that pits friends against each other. Players must use their deception and strategy to complete missions while also trying to identify any players who may secretly be working against them. The game is set in the mythical realm of King Arthur's Camelot, and players take on various roles from the story of King Arthur. Some characters have unique abilities and conditions, such as Merlin, Percival, and the Assassin, while others are there to cast their votes democratically. This game is perfect for 5-10 players and is quick to pick up. It's a lot of fun and can be enjoyed by players of all skill levels. So, if you're looking for a game that encourages strategic thinking and social interaction, give The Resistance: Avalon a try.

Some gameplay from youtube:

By: Danny Chen